
Work And Energy | class 9 | Exam revision | IIT JEE/NEET Foundation #SufalPhysicsForum

2022-03-27 1 Dailymotion

Dear Students, In the present video, I have started doing Work And Energy for Class 9(Final Examination). I have started the present sequence of videos mainly based on solving NCERT solved & NCERT Exercises. Mainly I have covered questions related to fundamentals of Work & Kinetic Energy. Also, Work Energy Theorem related problem is also discussed whose central idea is Work done is equal to change in KE.

Special credits to my son, Suryaan Sinha, who is taking care of all the Productions & Editing related jobs at our
Youtube Channel SufalPhysicsForum.

Revision before Examination
Work, Energy & Power
Conservation of Energy
Work Energy Theorem
NCERT Exercises
NCERT Solved

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